

Talent philosophy

We believe that employees are the foundation andcore resources for the Company’s sustainable development and success. Eachstaff member can achieve their own values at the proper posts. Therefore,Kangdi helps each employee find the posts that suit them, and build a platformthat can fully demonstrate their abilities. Furthermore, we advocate thebalance of work and life and expect that employees will work in a pleasantenvironment, achieve their values and grow.

Employee development 

The Company hasestablished the double-channel development mode in management and technology.Each employee can select their own development orientation based on theirinterest and special skills.

Based on the organization of performance and talentplanning process (OTP process), the Company can effectively identify theorganization demands and employees’ development demands, and combine the two inan organic manner, and help employees find the vocational developmentopportunities that may suit themselves. In order to enable the employees toachieve their vocational ambitions, we provide our employees with purposedvocational training.